
The Teuilè Military School

A particularly prestigious location was chosen for the Salotto 2022: the event will be hosted in the splendid setting of the Teulié Military School in Milan.

Founded in 1802 under Napoleon Bonaparte, the Teulié Military School pursues the mission of forming the ruling class of tomorrow. In this sense, the Institute is configured today as an elite state college.

The current architectural structure of the School has remained fairly faithful to the original layout, built in a flowery Baroque style, based on a 1756 project by the architect Questa.

How to get there

The reserved entrance for MIX Salotto 2022 is on Via San Luca 3

The Teuliè Military School is located in area C, therefore it is advisable to arrive by public transport or by taxi.

By Public transport 
  • Metro M3 (yellow line) stop Missori or Crocetta + 10′ walk
  • Tram 15 stop Corso Italia /via Lusardi
  • Bus 94 stop Corso Italia/Via Santa Sofia
By car
Parking nearby
  • Autorimessa Ludovica, via G. Rontgen 4
  • Autorimessa Giangaleazzo, via G. Aurispa 7
  • Central Parking, via O. Cornaggia 8