6lottino July 2021

6lottino July 2021

Relive the event!

On 06 July the 6lottino online was held to discuss the implementation of IPv6 in Italy with authoritative national experts.

This meeting was promoted by MIX, Italy’s Leading Interconnection Platform, following the high interest on the topic of IPv6 during the last Salottino event.

To best prepare this discussion to be as constructive and interactive as possible, we gathered a unique “program committee” made up of Italian experts from various sectors, with the aim of involving various network operators and ISP representatives in the debate.

The event took place in Italian.

Watch the videos and download the slides!

Apertura dei lavori – 6lottino powered by MIX

“Numeri e statistiche su IPv6. A che punto siamo?” – 6lottino Powered by MIX

IPV6 nella Pubblica Amministrazione – 6lottino Powered by MIX

“Un focus critico (ma costruttivo) sull’implementazione di IPv6 in Italia” – 6lottino Powered by MIX

“Aspetti tecnici dell’implementazione di IPv6″ – 6lottino Powered by MIX

“Un focus positivo (e costruttivo) sull’implementazione di IPv6: i vantaggi per gli ISP” – 6lottino Powered by MIX

6lottino powered by MIX – Panel